24 november 2009

Nepotism i vindkraftsbranschen

Hinner tyvärr inte kommentera detta nu på morgonen men läs själva artikeln på Expressen.

5 kommentarer:

Sivan sa...

Inte nytt. MAKT KORRUMPERAR. För vissa mer än för andra.

Ahrvid Engholm sa...

(Nedan en rolig text som gärna får spridas vidare. Jag tror nämligen att humor och satir kan vara ett bra sätt att sprida ett budskap! --AE)


The first few jokes in this file are by ahrvid@hotmail.com. Feel free to add your own and share the fun with others!

Question: How many Climate Gate deniers does it take to change a light bulb? (Q repeated for every answer)

What light bulb? The EU has banned them for environmental reasons.

None. Media prefers to stumble around in the dark.

Thirty. Because when you’ve done you need a whole platoon to dig trenches and put up barbed wire to defend your position to the very last man.

2501. That’s the number in the Intergovernmental Panel of Light-bulb Change. 2451 of them are only formally members and couldn’t care less, though everyone flies their jet planes to expensive international conferences to get pisssed and allow their names to be used in several thousand pages thick reports, sure to lay substantial areas of forests barren. There are about 50 that sit and cherry-pick the light bulbs that are suited for “the cause”. Of these only about a dozen check that the correct light bulb – and only the correct light bulb – is selected. Finally Al Gore climbs to the very top of the ladder and make sure that everything becomes totally screwed up.

What a bloody bickering about light bulbs! We will not change light bulbs. The light-bulb science is settled once and for all. You’re only a gang of conspiracy theorists that deny the Holocaust, think the US Government blew up the Twin Towers and see Flying Saucers in the sky.

None. because you can use the trick of hiding the decline in luminosity.

What’s a ”light bulb”? We only have camp fires, where we come from, and are almost freezing to death. Oh, how we long for Medieval times! It’s supposed to have been a Warm Period then.

It will be impossible to change any light bulbs. You see, even if we here on the BBC are about 23 000 employees, every single one of us is fully occupied with making new programmes where we repeat the same old message about “climate change”, day out and day in. That’s public service TV for you!

Changing a light bulb, you said? I’m from the government and I’m here to help you. Of course you have to pay the light-bulb tax, the electricity tax and of course the CO2 tax, not to forget the climate-change fee, the environment duty and the fossil-fuel charge. What? Well, mortgage your house, for heaven’s sake! Think of the poor panda bears, please. First we must make sure that the light bulb complies with regulation 4.71, paragraph B) in sub section…

To: Phil@cru.co.uk
Subject: Annoying idiot wants scientific openness
Howdy amigo!
I got this outrageous E-mail by some idiot that wants to check our light-bulb figures. If I see him I promise you I'll beat the crap out of him. Suggest that you immediately delete everything. Chris will do the same. We can't have others coming and checking our light bulbs. Scientific scrutiny and freedom of information in my ass! I propose that we gang up and oust this annoying man from everything. BTW, I attached the latest version of our program code, with should fix the travesty about that the increase simply hasn't happened.
Ps. Send the money in chunks below 10 000 dollars, so authorities won't find them, though I know that's a heck of a job for the 100 billion of tax-payer's money we have gotten so far.

Anonym sa...

Vem är förvånad?

Det hjälper väl inte att hon är jävig bara för detta projekt, hon gynnar ju sonen ändå med sin vindsnurrefanatism.

Likaså i min kommun där politikerna beslutar om vindkraftsetableringar, är flera själva i branschen och tjänar pengar på det, tex genom att äga mark som ska arrenderas ut till vindkraftsföretagen. Härligt, va?

Hehe, vilken bild på Maud... har hon fått syn på ledaren Al "Führer" Gore?

/Vindkraftsmotståndare som måste vara anonym, tyvärr.

Med örat mot rälsen sa...

I Italien har maffian mer eller mindre tagit över vindkraftsindustrin eftersom det finns mycket pengar att hämta där. Tacka Berlusconi för det!

Gunnar Strandell sa...

Jag håller med!
Det ser ut som om våra politiker hamnar ur askan i elden i sin iver att bli av med oljebolagen.

Vi kanske på allvar får räkna med att miljösatsningar göder organiserad brottslighet och då blir det ju extra illa om inflytelserika organisationer styrs av personer som inte har rent mjöl i påsen. De utsätter sig för risken att drabbas av påtryckningar.

Jag vill att tredje statsmakten börjar göra sitt jobb över hela linjen även i Sverige!